Dogs of Any Breed or Mixed Breed Welcome! CCDTC Classes and events are conducted in our 12,000 square foot indoor climate-controlled building. Additionally, we have installed special flooring to help keep our pets safe when they are involved in agility or other active sports. Worker Sign Up
Events: (Building Rental) January 18-19 Dr. Leick, DVM Chiropractor by appointment only January 17 CPE Agility Trials January 25, 26 Revised Premium Urban Ratters Search February1 Information (Building Rental) February 2) Dr. Leick, DVM Chiropractor by appointment only February 28 CPE Agility Trials March 1-2 Dr. Leick, DVM Chiropractor by appointment only March 21 NACSW ORT March 22 Premium Dr. Leick, DVM Chiropractor by appointment only April 18 CPE Agility Trials April 19-20 Dr. Leick, DVM Chiropractor by appointment only May 23 Dr. Leick, DVM Chiropractor by appointment only June 27 |