There are many ways to volunteer at CCDTC-
Volunteers who support their club by helping at events make that imaginary wheel go around in such a smooth fashion that the spectators see the event as effortless.
If you don't know how to do a job, we'll be happy to teach you and mentor you while you're getting started.
If you don't know how to do a job, we'll be happy to teach you and mentor you while you're getting started.
Sign up to earn Hours with building maintenance
Scribe: Mark down the judge's calls during a run.
Sheet Runner: Carry the scribe sheets to the score table. Gate Steward: Call out the names of the dogs who are up next in line and indicate the dog that is up for their run.
Timer: Press the Go button to signal the handler, then the Start and Stop buttons to record the time of the run.
Leash Runner: Carry the leash from the start side of the ring to the finish side of the ring while the dog is running the course.
Bar Setters: Reset the bars to the jump height when the jump height changes. The stanchions are marked with numbers indicating the bar heights.
Chief Steward/Volunteer Coordinator: The Scent Work Club’s trial committee assigns a Chief Steward / Volunteer Coordinator. Their job begins months in advance of the trial and their tasks are varied and demanding.
Gate Stewards: Gate stewards are responsible for keeping competitors calm and for keeping the flow moving. They will have a run order sheet and will call the dog/handler teams from the parking lot.
Gate Stewards will be in position at each staging area on the way to the elements. They will greet the competitor at the staging area, then help direct them to the next area when it is clear. Score Runner: The Score Runner will walk the score sheets from the elements to the score room.
Official Timer: The Official Timer’s role is especially important, and Timers must be capable of working a stopwatch or timing device.
Set Up Workers: May be day/evening before event or morning of event. If off site, help take items to location.Organize rings/rooms/volunteer room/score room. Put out items for the element.
If on-site put away or arrange ring gating. Fold up crates and put them away. Pull out appropriate tables and chairs. Table Steward: The job of Table Steward varies depending on the element and level. Their jobs may vary slightly with each judge that is overseeing the class.
Some judges prefer to perform certain duties themselves, and do not feel it is necessary to have the Table Steward perform some of the tasks. Take Down Volunteers: Empty the facility of all CCDTC Scent materials. Take back to club, if off site, and store in appropriate location(s)
Parking Volunteer: At least 1 or 2 Check-In volunteers to help with parking for both the volunteers and the competitors.They will only be needed in the morning to help get everyone situated in their respective parking area.
Check-In Volunteer: Check-in volunteers will be responsible for noting the arrival of each competitor and the arrival of anyone accompanying the competitor. Hot Box Steward: Hot Box Steward must wear gloves and move the Hot Box only at the judge’s direction.
Cold Box Steward: Cold Box Steward is the individual at the trial who handles all objects except Hot Boxes. |
Check in: Check in participants.
Help establish the run order.
Help establish the run order.